SliderDataTip border skinning patch

In the previous post I discussed an issue with the SliderDataTip class' border skinning.

Since then I've submitted a fix as a patch to the Adobe bugs system. This was the first time I'd submitted a patch, so had to jump through a few hoops to get there, but it was all pretty straightforward.

It basically involved:

  • Signing Adobe's contributor license forms, emailing them in, and waiting for a reply.
  • Checking out the 3.x branch and testing my fix in it.
  • Building the altered branch and running Abode's check in tests on it.
  • Making a patch of the fix with tortoise or something similar.
  • Submitting the patch on Adobe's bug site.
  • A good run through of the process can be found here and here.

    The patch is essentially the same as the fix described in the previous post, with the addition of removing the border construction from createChildren and just having it exist in styleChanged. There was no need for the code in createChildren; the border was already being created before createChildren was called in the first call to styleChanged.

    Have a look at the patch file here: Patch (sdk-24282)